Stevenson Middle School is located in Boyle Heights and is a member of the Partnership for Los Angeles Schools. We are working to transform our school to close achievement gaps and give the gift of social and academic excellence to all our students.

Monday, July 28, 2008

For the Techies

Check this out!  It's so cool.  If anyone is interested in doing a project like this, I'd love to be involved!


Anonymous said...


I would LOVE to get this level of creation from my students this coming year!

We start the year with a unit on Narrative and the culmination is to write a Memoir/Personal Narrative.

Anything you can think of to facilitate our English department making digital storytelling part of the program are welcome and your help needed. I heard we may have access to some camcorders through a grant written by Dana Antillon last year...any updates?

I have also thought of including parent/guardians, grandparents, or other family members in the narrative process and product.

Have you heard the audio recording of Story Corps on NPR. They are always touching and life affirming. This type of project is another possibility.

crico said...

This is such a powerful tool. Raquel, you are awesome for bring this to light to our school. I can see Mr. McConnell using it. I would love to see that product. Anyone of our teachers can use this technology. Mr. McConnell, see Ms. Melendez or Mr. L. Garcia to see how many cameras they have and how you can check them out. Ms. Melendez & Mr. Garcia, if you are reading the blog, lets make sure to invest some of our money into cameras. If we buy, they will use. Happy summer.